Segmented life

29 02 2008

Now these two weeks saw some ups and downs:
at first, my shares of the Mainstaululu-advertising-Network droppend with the uncertainty
of LL-Lab’s new policy regarding spam.
Secon: After my recovery from my personal >>nose-plague<<, my RL-boss was so kind to shove a heap of workload on my desk, which was able to keep me from my anydaywork and finally I had to teach some people in law-classes.

So, when old Friday came around, I was all fed up, while not being able to enter SL for more than two hours all week.

Now that my week had been segmented already, I started to dig up an old idea, which roamed
around my mind for quite some time: shop segments which could be copied and combined to form
a mall or a shopping-street.

While just having finished >>The Majestic<<, I decided to keep that very style for the new
designs as well.
Now I was all set to do, what I have been doing all week: neglecting my anyday-work to have some time of pure fun and contemplation while building.

When finished, I had attained two results.
First: I need more prims! I am eager to set these on a life-display as well and -oh dear-
I am short on prims, so I went over to a new tierlevel and started to buy whatever land was left on Dhaulagiri to realize my idea.

Second result was that I was much more relaxed after the weekend. It’s good to create some content now and then instead of doing admin-work for the shop.

Another idea, I had with buying more land was to refinance a bit of the whole thing by showing my new designs ‘in action’, which means, I rent them out to tennants for not too much money to cover some of the land-tierfee. Due to the 19% VAT I pay this wont work out
on the perspective of huge earnings, but it will help nevertheless.
But then again: where to get more prims for doing so?

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions …*sigh* back to admin work.:)