Cry Havoc and let slip the adboards

30 01 2008

 When visiting some sims, where owners used Hammerwielder Store Shop – Designs to stuff the place,
I came to talk to the owner of one of them, who told me that he was happy that
LL finally updated her island with HAVOC running on it now.

“Great!”, I thought to myself,”LL made another step forward with some visible effort to improve the infrastructure!”.

“Not so great!”, I thought just 20 seconds later, when the Simowner told me that the older
models of the rez-locus-boxes, which where used for my earlier models seem to be not very
compatible with havoc.

“Ahrrgl!” was my first official comment on that matter. After a review I would change that one into:”Oh well, it seems, I know what to spend my time with at this weekend.” 🙂

I will have to update all those old rezboxes to the newest script version. Oh dear.
But as the sign, I always wave says:”We give excellent service!”. And so I try.

I will update those boxes by the weekend and everyone who bought the old versions may IM me to receive
an updated version of the respective shop after he showed me his old version.

The rest of the week was loaded with efforts to bring people to my Advertising Hub to
rent some adboard and help me to keep the atmosphere.

Here is your chance to make yourself visible:)