What exactly is a microparcel?

13 02 2009

LL just released its new policy regarding dividing mainland.

See it here


Now, since the casino-ban, the bank-ban and the policy change on open sims, I was always having a sharp eye on LL in view to any new regulations they come up with.



Those policies caught users mostly by surprise and seemed unthought, highly unjust and in all of the cases unconsulted.

Means there was not even a hint on what was coming up to the users. In comparison, LL did a leap in communications already by having the topic on the blog discussion and giving netizens the impression their voice is heard.

However, what LL missed again is to set a clear wording in terms of where a microparcel starts. 16 squaremeter or 511 squaremeter? Or in between?

In law this would strongly require a layout of terms. But due to LL is no parliament they could have been more specific in what they rule out.

As a landlord in SL all the rumors about what coming where’nt too nice to hear and ponder about. And while the actual policy is a general relief, it leaves enough uncertainty to look back over the shoulder.

But, even though undefined , I have to agree that this will be helping the mainlands attractivity in my eyes.

Let us hope for the best:)


Hammerwielder goes high…

10 02 2009

No! this isnt about drugs 🙂 After renting out mainland for quite a
while now to cover parts of my tier, I decided to expand that
area of business and aim for high targets.

Well, basicly that means, I from now on also offer skybox rentals
for people with a slim moneyclip.

I just placed about 25 cosy furnished skyboxes at Dhaulagiri which start
from 150 L$ per week with 30 prims (See picture).


This allows tenants to place some personal things in there and make
it “theirs”. More prims are available on request at a rate of 2.5 L$/prim/week.

Soon we will also set up some more luxury skybox models.

So if you know somebody, who looks for an affordable home in SL –
send them to Dhaulagiri..


17 03 2008

Now this weekend has seen some work. By the way, did I ever mention that my fiance always sneers at me as I claim to work, while I lay down on my couch, digging under a cosy blanket with my laptop in front of me on a small  table.
The fact alone that my attention is malfunctioning during that time -especially in catching up on her comments about what’s on TV- should tell her that I am highly  concentrated:)

However, during this weekend I managed to work a bit, even though SL was jammy again at  times.

At first, me and my friend Dispensus Waechter got back on the old idea to rent out the Storeshop’s Shop Displays on the Life-display-platform over the shop (God, what a repititory sentence).Hrmmph. Explanation:

In Dhaulagiri, I finally had the chance to get rid of the Holovendor – solution for all of  my products and to put up Life-Displays, people can teleport to and see the structure they  would buy in full size.

This display platform now has its traffic and it naturally costs some prims. Due to the fact, that my main focus is on buildings, I have no big ambition in creating furniture. This means, the the shops always appeared somewhat bare and lifeless, while I alwayswanted to give the customer an impression of what my creations could look like in their place.

So we hammered out the idea to rent those display shops to shopkeepers.

My friend Dispenus Waechter took over the task to oversee the rental business there and will  do so for the upcoming lifedisplay of the segment shops, soon to come.

He bought a hippo-rental server and did set up the rentboxes and rental boards. So far the  boxes seem to be brillo, even though we aren’t smart enough to use the web-based-server  option as of yet:)

We hope to offer some synergy-effect to shopkeepers here, due to its a free-tp zone. This  basicly means that they can offer their customers the chance to hop into their shops while  also the customers of the Hammerwielder Store Shop will pass by their shops to see the structures and  -of course- whats in them.

Now so much for that. I myself at the same time bought a hippo-update-server and  experimented with it. This means, that from now on, I will ship my products in Omega Rez  _locus Boxes which will look for an update every time they are rezzed to build a structure.

The customer will be given any never version on that very moment.

I hope this piece of service will improve quality for I am now able to correct little  glitches found immediately and not have to contact buyers one by one.

And finally what I did this weekend was to finish the forest mansion, I had underway for  quite some time now and boxed it up for sale (see product article above).

Now who says you can’t work on a couch?!