Hammerwielder goes high…

10 02 2009

No! this isnt about drugs 🙂 After renting out mainland for quite a
while now to cover parts of my tier, I decided to expand that
area of business and aim for high targets.

Well, basicly that means, I from now on also offer skybox rentals
for people with a slim moneyclip.

I just placed about 25 cosy furnished skyboxes at Dhaulagiri which start
from 150 L$ per week with 30 prims (See picture).


This allows tenants to place some personal things in there and make
it “theirs”. More prims are available on request at a rate of 2.5 L$/prim/week.

Soon we will also set up some more luxury skybox models.

So if you know somebody, who looks for an affordable home in SL –
send them to Dhaulagiri..